
Friday Apr 15, 2022
Level 6.13 - Sora’s Back And He Finally Hit Puberty
Friday Apr 15, 2022
Friday Apr 15, 2022
SUBSCRIBE NOW!!!! on iTunes, Google Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher & Audible.
This week on the Press X to Start Podcast: DJ, Sean, Jordan & Avery talk about the Kingdom Hearts 4 announcement, The State Of Unreal, Remedy's Max Payne remakes; Lego Star Wars and much more!
Gaming News - Time code: 3:43
The quick hits: Ubisoft finally sends the disastrous Ghost Recon Breakpoint off to greener pastures; SNK almost entirely owned by Saudi Crown Prince for some reason; Epic & Lego to try and make a kid friendly Metaverse space to compete with the likes of Fortnite & Roblox; Epic releases its' current slate of games supported by Unreal Engine 5; Remedy announces full remakes for Max Payne 1 & 2 inside of the Control engine.
Heavy Hitter: We walk at length about the Kingdom Hearts 20th Anniversary event and the huge Kingdom Hearts 4 announcement that came with it.
What We've Been Playing - Time code: 42:16
Jordan departs Elden Ring for the kinder landscape of Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga, Sean checks out two of the free PS Plus games for April (Hood: Outlaws & Legends and Slay The Spire) and Avery & DJ continue to trudge through Elden Rings' unforgiving gameplay loop.
If you're enjoying the show, please take a moment to rate/review it on whatever service you're using. Every little bit helps!
Want to ask a question, ask us at PressX2start.com/Questions
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You can find more info about the Press X and who we are at www.PressX2start.com. If you have any questions or just want to tell us how great (or just slightly okay) we're doing or how we can be better, be a friend and reach out and email us at pressxtostartpodcast@gmail.com
End music by @MarcoMavy on Twitter & IG
Be good to each other, Peace!

Friday Apr 08, 2022
Level 6.12 - Spartacus Is Upon Us! Will You Join The Cause?
Friday Apr 08, 2022
Friday Apr 08, 2022
SUBSCRIBE NOW!!!! on iTunes, Google Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher & Audible.
This week on the Press X to Start Podcast: DJ, Sean, Jordan & Avery talk about the new PlayStation Plus, E3 2022 getting cancelled, Activision Blizzard harrassment settlement, Elden Ring and much more!
Gaming News - Time code: 2:50
The quick hits: E3 2022 got cancelled and Geoff Keighley didn't hesitate to dance on its' grave; NetEase might be saving Quantic Dream from itself; Breath Of The Wild 2 officially delayed to 2023; State Of Decay Studio newest to be hit with sexism claims; Activision Blizzard settles on 18 million dollar sexual harassment settlement.
Heavy Hitter: We talk at length about PlayStation's revamped PlayStation Plus service and discuss whether or not we feel like it's a worthwhile investment.
What We've Been Playing - Time code: 1:00:05
Jordan gets into some wasteland chaos in Tiny Tina's Wonderlands; Sean jumps back into GTA5 for the next gen port and DJ & Avery talk more Elden Ring.
Press X extends its' most sincere thoughts & prayers to the people of Ukraine during this harrowing time.
If you're enjoying the show, please take a moment to rate/review it on whatever service you're using. Every little bit helps!
Want to ask a question, ask us at PressX2start.com/Questions
Join/Follow Us:Youtube: Press X To Start TVTwitch: pressxtostarttvFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/pressx2startTwitter: @PressX2S Instagram: @PressX2StartTikTok: @pressx2start
You can find more info about the Press X and who we are at www.PressX2start.com. If you have any questions or just want to tell us how great (or just slightly okay) we're doing or how we can be better, be a friend and reach out and email us at pressxtostartpodcast@gmail.com
End music by @MarcoMavy on Twitter & IG
Be good to each other, Peace!

Friday Apr 01, 2022
Level 6.11 - Could Fortnite’s New Mode Bring People Back?
Friday Apr 01, 2022
Friday Apr 01, 2022
SUBSCRIBE NOW!!!! on iTunes, Google Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher & Audible.
This week on the Press X to Start Podcast: Sean & Avery talk about PlayStation Spartacus' impending launch, Fortnite doing away with building, the new Ghostbusters game, Apex Legends Season 12, and much more!
Gaming News - Time code: 1:20
The quick hits: Fortnite turns off building in a game-changing new event; GTA Online to add a monthly subscription service for next-gen; Microsoft won't object if Activision recognizes COD devs union; A surprising new Ghostbusters game announced; Gran Turismo 7 developer makes in rain in-game currency after issues at launch; PlayStation takes a shot in the dark and acquires' Jade Raymond's unproven Haven Studios; PlayStation to allegedly drop Spartacus as soon (which has since been proven).
What We've Been Playing - Time code: 33:17
Sean & Avery talk more about their time in Elden Ring and their return to Apex for Season 12.
Press X extends its' most sincere thoughts & prayers to the people of Ukraine during this harrowing time.
If you're enjoying the show, please take a moment to rate/review it on whatever service you're using. Every little bit helps!
Want to ask a question, ask us at PressX2start.com/Questions
Join/Follow Us:Youtube: Press X To Start TVTwitch: pressxtostarttvFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/pressx2startTwitter: @PressX2S Instagram: @PressX2StartTikTok: @pressx2start
You can find more info about the Press X and who we are at www.PressX2start.com. If you have any questions or just want to tell us how great (or just slightly okay) we're doing or how we can be better, be a friend and reach out and email us at pressxtostartpodcast@gmail.com
End music by @hgpmd on SoundCloud & IG
Be good to each other, Peace!

Friday Mar 25, 2022
Level 6.10 - Is Starfield Coming Out This Year?
Friday Mar 25, 2022
Friday Mar 25, 2022
SUBSCRIBE NOW!!!! on iTunes, Google Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher & Audible.
This week on the Press X to Start Podcast: DJ, Sean & Avery talk about Reggie leaving GameStop, Bethesda giving us just the tip of Starfield, more Elden Ring and sadly more stories about toxic work environments.
Gaming News - Time code: 4:19
The quick hits: Big Daddy Fils-Aime chunks up the deuce at GameStop after the refuse to listen to reason; Several big companies sign open letter opposing Texas' ass-backward anti-Trans bill; EA Play Live suspiciously canceled the year after a black man hosts it; Several big companies including FromSoftware under fire due to toxic workplace allegations; Perfect Dark's next-gen future is in jeopardy after mass exits from the studio; Bethesda gives the Starfield fandom blue balls after dropping a measly 8 seconds of gameplay footage.
What We've Been Playing - Time code: 44:48
DJ, Sean & Avery do another deep dive into their time with Elden Ring
Press X extends its' most sincere thoughts & prayers to the people of Ukraine during this harrowing time.
If you're enjoying the show, please take a moment to rate/review it on whatever service you're using. Every little bit helps!
Want to ask a question, ask us at PressX2start.com/Questions
Join/Follow Us:Youtube: Press X To Start TVTwitch: pressxtostarttvFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/pressx2startTwitter: @PressX2S Instagram: @PressX2StartTikTok: @pressx2start
You can find more info about the Press X and who we are at www.PressX2start.com. If you have any questions or just want to tell us how great (or just slightly okay) we're doing or how we can be better, be a friend and reach out and email us at pressxtostartpodcast@gmail.com
End music by @MarcoMavy on Twitter & IG
Be good to each other, Peace!

Friday Mar 18, 2022
Level 6.9 - Kratos Is Coming For The TV Fantasy Crown
Friday Mar 18, 2022
Friday Mar 18, 2022
SUBSCRIBE NOW!!!! on iTunes, Google Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher & Audible.
This week on the Press X to Start Podcast: DJ, Avery, Sean & Marcus talk about the most recent State Of Play, the upcoming Overwatch 2 Beta, Sony's God Of War TV plans, and much more!
Gaming News - Time code: 6:09
The quick hits: Internet darling Ikumi Nakamura launches her own studio; Overwatch 2 shows signs of life with a Beta coming in April; God of War might be the next big fantasy hit on Amazon Prime; Nintendo removes Advance Wars from slate in lieu of the Russian invasion of Ukraine; Sony & Nintendo join Microsoft in suspending sales in Russia; Russia pushes back by legalizing piracy; Eight more women speak out in long running sexism lawsuit at PlayStation.
Heavy Hitter: We give an overview of the most recent Sony State Of Play focusing on PlayStation's upcoming Japanese releases.
What We've Been Playing - Time code: 55:32
Avery & Sean talk about their continued experience braving the harsh open world of Elden Ring and Marcus briefly gives an update on his progress in Horizon Forbidden West.
Press X extends its' most sincere thoughts & prayers to the people of Ukraine during this harrowing time.
If you're enjoying the show, please take a moment to rate/review it on whatever service you're using. Every little bit helps!
Want to ask a question, ask us at PressX2start.com/Questions
Join/Follow Us:Youtube: Press X To Start TVTwitch: pressxtostarttvFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/pressx2startTwitter: @PressX2S Instagram: @PressX2StartTikTok: @pressx2start
You can find more info about the Press X and who we are at www.PressX2start.com. If you have any questions or just want to tell us how great (or just slightly okay) we're doing or how we can be better, be a friend and reach out and email us at pressxtostartpodcast@gmail.com
End music by @MarcoMavy on Twitter & IG
Be good to each other, Peace!

Wednesday Mar 16, 2022
Horizon Forbidden West Review - Press X To Review
Wednesday Mar 16, 2022
Wednesday Mar 16, 2022
SUBSCRIBE NOW!!!! on iTunes, Google Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher & Audible.
On This Episode: DJ, Sean & Avery breakdown and critique arguably the first big AAA release of 2022, Horizon Forbidden West. Throughout they examine the gameplay advancements, the new characters & terrain, the potential for future games and more!
Discussion Start - Time code: 1:22
If you're enjoying the show, please take a moment to rate/review it on whatever service you're using. Every little bit helps!
Want to ask a question, ask us at PressX2start.com/Questions
Join/Follow Us:Youtube: Press X To Start TVTwitch: pressxtostarttvFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/pressx2startTwitter: @PressX2S Instagram: @PressX2StartTikTok: @pressx2start
You can find more info about the Press X and who we are at www.PressX2start.com. If you have any questions or just want to tell us how great (or just slightly okay) we're doing or how we can be better, be a friend and reach out and email us at pressxtostartpodcast@gmail.com
End music by @MarcoMavy on Twitter & IG
Be good to each other, Peace!

Friday Mar 11, 2022
Level 6.8 - Star Wars Eclipse Might Never See The Light Of Day
Friday Mar 11, 2022
Friday Mar 11, 2022
SUBSCRIBE NOW!!!! on iTunes, Google Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher & Audible.
This week on the Press X to Start Podcast: DJ, Avery, Sean & Marcus talk about The massive Star Wars Eclipse delay, Elden Ring, Horizon Forbidden West, the long awaited Cyberpunk 2077 next gen update and much more!
Gaming News - Time code: 3:40
The quick hits: Microsoft suspends all sales of new products & services in Russia; World Of Tanks' studio gives its' creative director the boot after voicing support for the Russian invasion of Ukraine; Epic Games acquires Bandcamp...for some reason; Elden Ring has biggest non-FIFA or COD launch in the UK since Red Dead Redemption 2.
Heavy Hitter: We discuss the extensive delay of Star Wars' Eclipse and what that might meet for Quantic Dream going forward.
What We've Been Playing - Time code: 37:55
We share more thoughts on Elden Ring & Horizon Forbidden West and Jordan returns to the mean streets of Night City to see what they next gen Cyberpunk 2077 update is all about.
Press X extends its' most sincere thoughts & prayers to the people of Ukraine during this harrowing time.
If you're enjoying the show, please take a moment to rate/review it on whatever service you're using. Every little bit helps!
Want to ask a question, ask us at PressX2start.com/Questions
Join/Follow Us:Youtube: Press X To Start TVTwitch: pressxtostarttvFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/pressx2startTwitter: @PressX2S Instagram: @PressX2StartTikTok: @pressx2start
You can find more info about the Press X and who we are at www.PressX2start.com. If you have any questions or just want to tell us how great (or just slightly okay) we're doing or how we can be better, be a friend and reach out and email us at pressxtostartpodcast@gmail.com
End music by @MarcoMavy on Twitter & IG
Be good to each other, Peace!

Friday Mar 04, 2022
Level 6.7 - Elden Ring Is Here To Bring The Pain
Friday Mar 04, 2022
Friday Mar 04, 2022
SUBSCRIBE NOW!!!! on iTunes, Google Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher & Audible.
This week on the Press X to Start Podcast: DJ, Avery, Marcus & Sean talk about Elden Ring, Horizon Forbidden West, The industry standing behind Ukraine, Pokemon's surprising new phase, and much more!
Quick Hits - Time code: 4:19
The game industry comes out in droves to support Ukraine; Pokemon shockingly announces its' new chapter; Square Enix continues to be unsatisfied with their non-Final Fantasy games; The 2023 COD reportedly delayed to 2024; The bad guy wins again as Bobby Kotick's set to profit off of recent Microsoft deal; Street Fighter 6 revealed with a very different looking Ryu; Playstation reveals the tiers & prices for Spartacus.
What We've Been Playing - Time code: 40:11
We give our in-depth early impressions of Elden Ring and our updated thoughts on Horizon Forbidden West.
Press X extends its' most sincere thoughts & prayers to the people of Ukraine during this harrowing time.
If you're enjoying the show, please take a moment to rate/review it on whatever service you're using. Every little bit helps!
Want to ask a question, ask us at PressX2start.com/Questions
Join/Follow Us:Youtube: Press X To Start TVTwitch: pressxtostarttvFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/pressx2startTwitter: @PressX2S Instagram: @PressX2StartTikTok: @pressx2start
You can find more info about the Press X and who we are at www.PressX2start.com. If you have any questions or just want to tell us how great (or just slightly okay) we're doing or how we can be better, be a friend and reach out and email us at pressxtostartpodcast@gmail.com
End music by @MarcoMavy on Twitter & IG
Be good to each other, Peace!