
Friday Nov 11, 2022
Level 6.43 - Overwatch 2 Introduces Its’ Own Incredible Hulk
Friday Nov 11, 2022
Friday Nov 11, 2022
SUBSCRIBE NOW!!!! on iTunes, Google Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher & Audible.
This week on the Press X to Start Podcast: DJ, Sean, Marcus & Avery talk about Overwatch 2's new tank hero, Nibel leaving Twitter, PS VR2's hefty price tag, The Entropy Center and much more!
Gaming News - Time code: 3:15
We take a brief look at the early reviews for God Of War Ragnarök (which are positive to the surprise of no one); Prolific gaming news account Nibel disappears from Twitter; PlayStation VR2 comes with a ridiculous price tag; Overwatch 2 debuts long rumored new tank hero at OWL finals; Studio Onoma dies a quick death after expansive rebrand; Overdose footage leaks in the wake of Kojima revealing Elle Fanning's costar in his mysterious new game; Final Fantasy 16 dev gives trash explanation for its' lack of diversity.
What We've Been Playing - Time code: 46:54
Avery finally gets the elusive Cyberpunk platinum trophy and rewards himself with some puzzle goodness in The Entropy Center; DJ & Marcus live, die & repeat in the COD MW2 Multiplayer suite; DJ admits to his Marvel Snap addiction; Marcus begins his slow climb up the Overwatch 2 Ranked ladder; Sean continues his journey through the maniacal world of Yakuza.
If you're enjoying the show, please take a moment to rate/review it on whatever service you're using. Every little bit helps!
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You can find more info about the Press X and who we are at www.PressX2start.com. If you have any questions or just want to tell us how great (or just slightly okay) we're doing or how we can be better, be a friend and reach out and email us at pressxtostartpodcast@gmail.com
End music by @MarcoMavy on Twitter & IG
Be good to each other, Peace!

Friday Nov 04, 2022
Level 6.42 - Henry Cavill Hangs Up His Swords For The Cape
Friday Nov 04, 2022
Friday Nov 04, 2022
SUBSCRIBE NOW!!!! on iTunes, Google Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher & Audible.
This week on the Press X to Start Podcast: DJ, Sean & Avery talk about Henry Cavill shocking departure from The Witcher, CD Projekt Red's Witcher 1 remake, Hellena Taylor ruining her good fortune, COD MW2 impressions and much more!
Gaming News - Time code: 2:30
The Witcher 1 to get a shiny new UE5 coat of paint as the first of CDR's codenamed game slate is revealed; Henry Cavill shocks the world as he departs The Witcher show ahead of Season 3; Hellena Taylor baffles many as she uses her newfound support to fight abortion; Microsoft reportedly had major FOMO after Genshin Impact dropped; Phil Spencer that GamePass has been profitable in the midst of Xbox price spike rumors; Midnight Suns reveals Season Pass which will include the likes of Deadpool, Venom & Storm; Sony London reveals work on fantasy on-line co-op game.
What We've Been Playing - Time code: 45:22
DJ & Sean give their relatively spoiler free thoughts on COD MW2's campaign, DJ gushes some more about Marvel Snap and Avery tries to get through his current gaming backlog before Ragnarok drops.
If you're enjoying the show, please take a moment to rate/review it on whatever service you're using. Every little bit helps!
Want to ask a question, ask us at PressX2start.com/Questions
Join/Follow Us:Youtube: Press X To Start TVTwitch: pressxtostarttvFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/pressx2startTwitter: @PressX2S Instagram: @PressX2StartTikTok: @pressx2start
You can find more info about the Press X and who we are at www.PressX2start.com. If you have any questions or just want to tell us how great (or just slightly okay) we're doing or how we can be better, be a friend and reach out and email us at pressxtostartpodcast@gmail.com
End music by @maztrshots on SoundCloud & IG
Be good to each other, Peace!

Friday Oct 28, 2022
Level 6.41 - Silent Hill Returns Just In Time For Spooky Season
Friday Oct 28, 2022
Friday Oct 28, 2022
SUBSCRIBE NOW!!!! on iTunes, Google Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher & Audible.
This week on the Press X to Start Podcast: DJ, Sean & Avery talk about
Gaming News - Time code: 2:28
Platinum Games doubles down on its' support of Jennifer Hale in the midst of growing Bayonetta 3 controversy; We do an in-depth overview of the newest Resident Evil Showcase; Square Enix takes cues from George RR Martin with new FF16 trailer; Konami remembers that Silent Hill exists and opens the horror flood gates with huge reveal; Apex Legends Season 15 promises big updates including the first Trans character in a Battle Royale game; The DualSense Edge to drop in January with a 200$ price tag.
What We've Been Playing - Time code: 45:42
DJ & Sean hoo rah all the way through the Modern Warfare 2 campaign; Avery is less than enthused about Valorant's newest agent & DJ plays his cards right in Marvel Snap.
If you're enjoying the show, please take a moment to rate/review it on whatever service you're using. Every little bit helps!
Want to ask a question, ask us at PressX2start.com/Questions
Join/Follow Us:Youtube: Press X To Start TVTwitch: pressxtostarttvFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/pressx2startTwitter: @PressX2S Instagram: @PressX2StartTikTok: @pressx2start
You can find more info about the Press X and who we are at www.PressX2start.com. If you have any questions or just want to tell us how great (or just slightly okay) we're doing or how we can be better, be a friend and reach out and email us at pressxtostartpodcast@gmail.com
End music by @MarcoMavy on Twitter & IG
Be good to each other, Peace!

Friday Oct 21, 2022
Level 6.40 - The Real Housewives Of Gaming: Microsoft vs Sony Edition
Friday Oct 21, 2022
Friday Oct 21, 2022
SUBSCRIBE NOW!!!! on iTunes, Google Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher & Audible.
This week on the Press X to Start Podcast: DJ, Sean, Marcus & Avery talk about Microsoft & Sony still being petty over COD, Bayonetta 3's VO controversy, Kinda Funny's new studio, Overwatch 2 and much more!
Gaming News - Time code: 5:11
Kojima helps Kinda Funny debut their amazing new studio; A new lawsuit shows that Activision is still a shit show; We look at everything announced at Meta Connect 2022; Platinum Games does Helena Taylor super dirty ahead of Bayonetta 3 release; The newest Valorant agent is a water bender; We do a deep dive in the most recent updates on the war between Microsoft & Sony over COD.
What We've Been Playing - Time code: 1:01:03
We talk in-depth about first time getting to group up in Overwatch 2 and the shenanigans that ensued (check out the footage on our YouTube channel!).
If you're enjoying the show, please take a moment to rate/review it on whatever service you're using. Every little bit helps!
Want to ask a question, ask us at PressX2start.com/Questions
Join/Follow Us:Youtube: Press X To Start TVTwitch: pressxtostarttvFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/pressx2startTwitter: @PressX2S Instagram: @PressX2StartTikTok: @pressx2start
You can find more info about the Press X and who we are at www.PressX2start.com. If you have any questions or just want to tell us how great (or just slightly okay) we're doing or how we can be better, be a friend and reach out and email us at pressxtostartpodcast@gmail.com
End music by @MarcoMavy on Twitter & IG
Be good to each other, Peace!

Friday Oct 14, 2022
Level 6.39 - Overwatch 2 Faceplants At The Finish Line
Friday Oct 14, 2022
Friday Oct 14, 2022
SUBSCRIBE NOW!!!! on iTunes, Google Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher & Audible.
This week on the Press X to Start Podcast: DJ, Sean, Marcus & Avery talk about The Super Mario Bros movie trailer, Overwatch 2's disastrous launch, Kojima's mysterious new game, CD Projekt Red's new slate of games and much more!
Gaming News - Time code: 3:19
We give our thoughts on the first official look at The Super Mario Bros Movie; We do an in-depth look at Overwatch 2's hot ass mess of a launch; Hideo Kojima's back in his cryptic messaging bag for a mysterious new game starring Elle Fanning; A Horizon Zero Dawn remaster's reportedly in the works for some reason; CDPR releases an ambitious new slate of games that we're not gonna hold our breath about.
What We've Been Playing - Time code: 45:29
The boys give their early impressions of Overwatch 2 (and DJ tells us about his experience looking at the title screen); Marcus tells us why he's not impressed with Cyberpunk 2077's new coat of paint & continues to start fights on Iki Island in Ghost of Tsushima, and Sean airs his grievances about Yakuza Kiwami's lack of an autosave.
If you're enjoying the show, please take a moment to rate/review it on whatever service you're using. Every little bit helps!
Want to ask a question, ask us at PressX2start.com/Questions
Join/Follow Us:Youtube: Press X To Start TVTwitch: pressxtostarttvFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/pressx2startTwitter: @PressX2S Instagram: @PressX2StartTikTok: @pressx2start
You can find more info about the Press X and who we are at www.PressX2start.com. If you have any questions or just want to tell us how great (or just slightly okay) we're doing or how we can be better, be a friend and reach out and email us at pressxtostartpodcast@gmail.com
End music by @MarcoMavy on Twitter & IG
Be good to each other, Peace!

Friday Oct 07, 2022
Level 6.38 - Saudi Arabia Gets Bored Of Oil And Jumps Into The Gaming World
Friday Oct 07, 2022
Friday Oct 07, 2022
SUBSCRIBE NOW!!!! on iTunes, Google Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher & Audible.
This week on the Press X to Start Podcast: DJ, Sean, Jordan & Avery talk about Overwatch 2 making it even harder to play at launch, Google officially killing Stadia, Saudi Arabia's 13 billion dollar promise, Wild Hearts, Cyberpunk 2077 and much more!
Gaming News - Time code: 4:09
We do a live reaction to Koei Tecmo's Wild Hearts trailer; Google to officially put Stadia out to pasture in January 2023; Blizzard burns even more bridges as Overwatch 2 forces new accounts to unlock old heroes; PlayStation will show customer service favoritism to its' top Stars members; Saudi Arabia goes all Babe Ruth and vows to acquire a top gaming publisher for 13 billy; Skull & Bones left adrift at sea as it's hit with yet another delay.
What We've Been Playing - Time code: 52:06
Avery & Jordan talk about their second run through of Cyberpunk 2077 in a post Edgerunners world; Jordan finally makes way through God of War 2018, shoots some demons in Prodeus & shoots some aliens in Chorvs; DJ & Sean continue riding on the insane train that is the Yakuza series and Sean tries out Netflix Gaming with Lucky Luna.
If you're enjoying the show, please take a moment to rate/review it on whatever service you're using. Every little bit helps!
Want to ask a question, ask us at PressX2start.com/Questions
Join/Follow Us:Youtube: Press X To Start TVTwitch: pressxtostarttvFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/pressx2startTwitter: @PressX2S Instagram: @PressX2StartTikTok: @pressx2start
You can find more info about the Press X and who we are at www.PressX2start.com. If you have any questions or just want to tell us how great (or just slightly okay) we're doing or how we can be better, be a friend and reach out and email us at pressxtostartpodcast@gmail.com
End music by @MarcoMavy on Twitter & IG
Be good to each other, Peace!

Friday Sep 30, 2022
Level 6.37 - Twitch Is On Fire & Everything’s Leaking
Friday Sep 30, 2022
Friday Sep 30, 2022
SUBSCRIBE NOW!!!! on iTunes, Google Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher & Audible.
This week on the Press X to Start Podcast: DJ, Sean & Avery talk about The Last Of Us TV trailer; Videogamedunkey's new game studio; the GTA6 leaker allegedly being caught; the Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty demo and much more!
Gaming News - Time code: 2:06
We do a live reaction to The Last Of Us HBO series trailer; A 17 year old hacker may turn out to be behind the gigantic GTA6 leak; Marvel & Motive Studio to team up for a long anticipated Iron Man game; Twitch in trouble after gambling fiasco & new revenue split; Xbox launches new initiative to further address the industry's lack of Black developers; A Youtuber owns up to being an industry leaker after getting caught redhanded; Videogamedunkey makes big leap from reviewer to game publisher.
What We've Been Playing - Time code: 50:29
DJ gives impressions of the Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty demo and tries out a new mode in the Modern Warfare 2 Beta; Avery gets deeper into Night City on his 2nd Cyberpunk playthrough and airs his grievances with Deathloop's new ending.
If you're enjoying the show, please take a moment to rate/review it on whatever service you're using. Every little bit helps!
Want to ask a question, ask us at PressX2start.com/Questions
Join/Follow Us:Youtube: Press X To Start TVTwitch: pressxtostarttvFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/pressx2startTwitter: @PressX2S Instagram: @PressX2StartTikTok: @pressx2start
You can find more info about the Press X and who we are at www.PressX2start.com. If you have any questions or just want to tell us how great (or just slightly okay) we're doing or how we can be better, be a friend and reach out and email us at pressxtostartpodcast@gmail.com
End music by @MarcoMavy on Twitter & IG
Be good to each other, Peace!

Friday Sep 23, 2022
Level 6.36 - GTA 6 Leaks All Over The Internet
Friday Sep 23, 2022
Friday Sep 23, 2022
SUBSCRIBE NOW!!!! on iTunes, Google Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher & Audible.
This week on the Press X to Start Podcast: DJ, Sean & Avery talk about the massive GTA 6 leak, the MW2 Multiplayer Beta, the newest Nintendo Direct, Genshin Impact update 3.1 and much more!
Gaming News - Time code: 2:20
Rockstar suffers quite possibly the biggest breach in gaming history as early GTA 6 gameplay leaks; Ubisoft workers sidestepping Assassin's Creed Red after abuse allegations; Halo's lead for the last 15 years leaves 343 & Xbox; Tencent blindsides its' staff with mass firing; G4TV suffers major layoffs not even a full year into its' return; We run down the biggest announcements coming out of Nintendo's most recent Direct; Blizzard tries to defend its' controversial OW2 Battle Pass system.
What We've Been Playing - Time code: 50:20
DJ gets his Groundhog Day on in the new Genshin Impact update and then joins Sean to give their impressions of the Modern Warfare 2 Multiplayer Beta; Avery finally gets The Last Of Us Pt. 1 platinum, returns to Cyberpunk 2077 after breezing through Edgerunners & gives the Saints Row reboot a try.
If you're enjoying the show, please take a moment to rate/review it on whatever service you're using. Every little bit helps!
Want to ask a question, ask us at PressX2start.com/Questions
Join/Follow Us:Youtube: Press X To Start TVTwitch: pressxtostarttvFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/pressx2startTwitter: @PressX2S Instagram: @PressX2StartTikTok: @pressx2start
You can find more info about the Press X and who we are at www.PressX2start.com. If you have any questions or just want to tell us how great (or just slightly okay) we're doing or how we can be better, be a friend and reach out and email us at pressxtostartpodcast@gmail.com
End music by @MarcoMavy on Twitter & IG
Be good to each other, Peace!